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Verilog – Lab 2 Solved
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The purpose of this lab is to build a Binary-to-BCD converter using the double dabble algorithm (aka the shift-add-3 algorithm). You will only utilize combinational circuit components, verify the functionality of the converter using a testbench, and test the converter on the FPGA board by using it to display the output of a simple calculator.

Part 1 (Building a Binary-to-BCD Converter)

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) is a numbering system used to represent decimal numbers using binary representations. Each BCD digit is composed of 4 bits and can represent a number from 0 to 9. Table 1 shows how to represent all decimal digits using BCD, the table also indicate the other six binary numbers (i.e. 1010, 1011, etc.) are not used.

Table 1: BCD Representation
Decimal Digit BCD Representation
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001

Decimal numbers with multiple digits require 4-bit BCD numbers for each of the digits. Table 2 shows an example of using BCD to represent a 3 digits decimal number. The same concept can be applied to decimal numbers with more digits.

Table 2: Multidigit Decimal Number in BCD
Hundreds Tens Ones
Decimal 3 9 7
BCD 0011 1001 0111

Many arithmetic operations are done in binary, then converted to BCD for display purposes (i.e. displaying the result on a seven-segment or LCD display). In this lab you will build a circuit that takes an 8-bit binary number and converts it to its 3 digits BCD representation.

When converting a binary number to its BCD reperesentation, more than one BCD digit locations might be required. For example, the binary number 1100 represent the decimal number 12, to convert this 4-bit binary number to its BCD representation, we first note that it is greater than 1001 (9 decimal), so we have to add 0110 (6 decimal), the result is 10010 which is equivalent to 0001 0010 the BCD representation of 12.

A similar computation could be done using shifts. Recall that a left shift moves all bit values one position to the left (toward the MSB). A left shift has the same function as multiplying the binary number by two. If we have the number 0101 (5 decimal), and we shift it left, we know the result will be 1010 (10 decimal), assuming we shift in a zero. If we then want to convert this number to a BCD, we will have to add six to it. Knowing that we will convert the number to BCD, we can check the original number before shifting it. If it is greather than or equal to five, then we can add three to that number (instead of adding 6 to the shifted number). Then when we shift it, it will automatically be in BCD form. Table 3 illustrates this concept using the number 0110.

Table 3: Preemptive add, then shift example
Operation Binary
Original number 0110
Add 3 1001
Shift Left 0001 0010
Decimal 1 2

This concept can be used on a binary number with any number of bits. For each bit in the binary number, the shift-add-3 algorithm must be implemented. For a four bit number, four shifts must be performed. Before each shift is performed, if the number is greater than or equal to five, then it must be added to three. Once all four bits have been shifted, the final BCD number will be in the upper-most bits of the new number. See the example in Table 4.

Table 4: Example of converting 1111 to BCD
Operation Tens Ones Binary
Start 1111
Shift 1 111
Shift 11 11
Shift 111 1
Add-3 1010 1
Shift 1 0101
Decimal 1 5

To perform a 4-bit binary conversion, 12 bits must be used. The upper four bits will be the tens decimal digit and the middle four will be the ones decimal digit. The lower four bits will be ignored. In the previous example, only the relevant bits were shown. In reality, the missing bit locations would contain zeros. This process can be extended for any size of binary number. Check Table 5 for another example using an 8- bit binary number.

Table 5: Example of converting 1111 1111 to BCD
Operation Hundreds Tens Ones Binary
Start 1111 1111
Shift 1 1111 111
Shift 11 1111 11
Shift 111 1111 1
Add-3 1010 1111 1
Shift 1 0101 1111
Add-3 1 1000 1111
Shift 11 0001 111
Shift 110 0011 11
Add-3 1001 0011 11
Shift 1 0010 0111 1
Add-3 1 0010 1010 1
Shift 10 0101 0101
Decimal 2 5 5

Implementation Steps
Table 6: Add-3 module
A[3:0] S[3:0]
0000 0000
0001 0001
0010 0010
0011 0011
0100 0100
0101 1000
0110 1001
0111 1010
1000 1011
1001 1100
1010 XXXX
1011 XXXX
1100 XXXX
1101 XXXX
1110 XXXX
1111 XXXX
The double dabble algorithm can be used to convert binary numbers of
arbiterary length. In fact, the double dabble’s wikipedia article contains a parameterized verilog implementation that can be used with binary numbers of any length. You should not use that code. Instead you should develop a version that converts an 8-bit binary numbers into their equivalent BCD. Of course an 8-bit binary numbers should result in BCDs ranging from 000 to

The double dabble can be completely implemented using combinational circuit elements, without using storage elements nor registers. Table 6 and figure one contain the details of the implementation.

The following steps should guide you through the implementation.

1. Create a module (call it add_3) to implement the add-3 part of the algorithm. Follow the truth table shown in Table 6. The module
should have 4-bit input (A) and 4-bit output (S). The truth table
shows that when the number in the input is less than 4, it is passed as is, when the number exceeds 4, the output will be the result of adding 3 to the input. The algorithm will not allow any number above 9, so the implementation treats those inputs as don’t care.
2. Shifting numbers in combinational circuits is done by connecting the inputs to the outputs while shifting by one position. For example, a left shift can be achieved by connecting the least significant bit to the second least significant bit, and the same for the rest of the wires. You should also connect 0 to the least signficiant bit of the output.
3. Create a module (call it bin2bcd) that implements an 8-bit binary to BCD converter. Figure 1 shows the diagram for this module. The module should have 8-bit input (bin) and 12-bit output (bcd). You should instantiate as many instances of add_3 as necessary.
4. Verify the functionality of bin2bcd by writing a testbench (bin2bcd_tb) to test its functionality .
5. Include a screenshot of the simulation output with your submission, you should embed the screenshot in your README.md file.

Figure 1: 8-bit implementation of the double dabble binary to BCD converter

Part 2 (Building a simple calculator with BCD outputs)

In this part, you will modify the simple_calc module you developed in a previous lab so that it displays its output as BCD instead of binary. Recall, the calculator should perform 4-bit addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
1. Import simple_calc along with all necessary dependencies (i.e. the adder/subtractor, csa multiplier,etc.)
2. Modify the module so it displays its result on 12 LEDs as BCD. You should utilize the bin2bcd module you developed in part 1.
As a reminder
a. The module should accept two 4-bit inputs X, Y
b. The module should accept a 2-bit operator select input (op_sel).
i. op_sel = 00 (add)
ii. op_sel = 01 (subtract)
iii. op_sel = 1x (multiply)
c. The module should output a 12-bit signal (result) represented in BCD
3. The bin2bcd module you developed in part 1 assumes positive numbers only. You should figure out what needs to be done if the answer of the simple_calc is being interpreted as a signed number. For example, you might need to take its 2’s complement before passing it to the converter and use one of the LEDs to indicate the answer is negative.
4. Verify the functionality of your simple calculator by implementing in on the FPGA board using the following IO specifications:
i. SW3  SW0 for the input X
ii. SW7  SW4 for the input Y
iii. SW15  SW14 for the op_sel
iv. LED11  LED0 for the output result (displayed as BCD)
v. LED13 to indicate the result displayed is negative
vi. LED14 to display the carry_out of the adder/subtractor
vii. LED15 to display the overflow of the adder/subtractor

Submission check list:
[ ] All Verilog code you generated or modified
[ ] All testbenches written
[ ] Include a screenshot of your testbench output, Embedded in your README.md
[ ] Include a sketch of the block diagram used in Part 2, no need to include the details of the simple calc, just draw it as a blackbox along with its inputs and outputs. Embedded in your
[ ] Short video demonstrating a working calculator


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