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2ST122 – Solved
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Machine Learning

Assignment 2

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1 Decision Trees 4
2 Running standard tools for boosting and random forests 10
3 *Bagged tree and random forest implementation 11

1 Decision Trees
The dataset Hitters contain data on the salary of Baseball players and additional information on years in the baseball league (Years) and the number of hits (Hits). To access the data, use:
library(uuml) data(“Hitters”)
We are now going to build an algorithm to grow decision trees. The algorithm used below is based on the algorithm explained in Chapter 9.2.2 in Hastie et al. (2009). To split a tree, see Eq. (9.12-9.14).
1. Create a test set by setting aside the 30 rst observations. Remove those observations from your training set.
# Remove NA values
Hitters <- Hitters[complete.cases(Hitters),]
# Create test and training set
X_test <- Hitters[1:30, c(“Years”, “Hits”)] y_test <- Hitters[1:30, c(“Salary”)]
X_train <- Hitters[31:nrow(Hitters), c(“Years”, “Hits”)] y_train <- Hitters[31:nrow(Hitters), c(“Salary”)]
2. (3p) Implement an R function to split observations binary greedily (ignore NA values). Here we use the Hastie et al. (2009, Eq. 9.12-9.14), but with the addition that we will keep at least l leafs. The function should take a design matrix X, an y variable and a minimal leaf size l. The function should return a list with the index set of the observations in R1, R2, the split value s and the covariate used for the split j. Below is a rough sketch how you can implement the function.
tree_split <- function(X, y, l){ checkmate::assert_matrix(X)
checkmate::assert_numeric(y, len = nrow(X)) checkmate::assert_int(l)
# Store the sum of squares
SS <- matrix(Inf, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncol(X)) for(j in 1:ncol(X)){ for(k in 1:nrow(X)){
s <- X[k,j] # Choose split point
R1 <- which(X[,j] <= s) R2 <- which(X[,j] > s)
# Do if R1 or R2 is smaller than the leaf size l
# Compute c1
# Compute c2
SS[k, j] <- # Compute the sum of squares
# The final results for the min SS (arg min) j <- # Which column was used for the split-point s <- # What value of X was used as the split-point
R1 <- which(X[,j] <= s) R2 <- which(X[,j] > s) list(j = j, s = s, R1 = R1,
R2 = R2,
SS = min(SS)) }
Hint! You will need to handle ties (i.e. di erent observations with di erent values). This should not be a very large problem. In the example code, I choose the ’ rst’ minima as:
which(min(SS), arr.ind = TRUE)[1,]
See below for an example how the function should work.
# Lets choose a small data to try out our algorithm with X_check <- Hitters[31:50, c(“Years”, “Hits”)] y_check <- Hitters[31:50, c(“Salary”)] # These are the names of the players we look at
## [1] “-Bob Melvin” “-BillyJo Robidoux” “-Bill Schroeder”
## [4] “-Chris Bando” “-Chris Brown” “-Carmen Castillo” ## [7] “-Chili Davis” “-Carlton Fisk” “-Curt Ford”
## [10] “-Carney Lansford” “-Chet Lemon” “-Candy Maldonado”
## [13] “-Carmelo Martinez” “-Craig Reynolds” “-Cal Ripken”
## [16] “-Cory Snyder” “-Chris Speier” “-Curt Wilkerson” ## [19] “-Dave Anderson” “-Don Baylor”
# This is how it should work tree_split(X_check, y_check, l = 5)
## $j
## [1] 1
## $s
## [1] 5
## $R1
## [1] 1 2 3 5 6 9 13 16 18 19
## $R2
## [1] 4 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 17 20
## $SS
## [1] 1346633
# We can also make a split without any limit on leaf size tree_split(X_check, y_check, l = 1)
## $j
## [1] 2
## $s
## [1] 132
## $R1
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19
## $R2
## [1] 7 10 15 20
## $SS
## [1] 904383.4
3. (1p) What is the rst split based on the whole training data X_train and y_train? Use l=5.
4. (1p) What is the Sum of Squares (SS) for this rst split?
5. (3p) Use the function tree_split() to create a function grow_tree() that takes the arguments X, y, and l and then build a decision tree. The returned tree can be a data.frame that looks as below. This is just one example implementation, you are free to implement this however you want.
Hint 1! Use a list in R to store the set of indecies you are splitting up.
Hint 2! Remember that the indecies that split_tree() returns are based on the data you put into that functions. Hence, you need to convert them to the full data indecies to simplify.
Here is an template how the function could be implemented, but you are free to implement it however you want.
grow_tree <- function(X, y, l=5){ checkmate::assert_matrix(X)
checkmate::assert_numeric(y, len = nrow(X)) checkmate::assert_int(l)
# We do an initial split init <- tree_split(X, y, l)
# We use S_m to store the set of observation indicies
# This is used to keep track of the groups of
# observations to be split
S_m <- list(init$R1, init$R2) # Storing the results
# j = column to use for split
# s = split point
# R1_i = pointer to row where to go next if in R1
# R2_i = pointer to row where to go next if in R2
# gamma = the gamma value of the leaf (if j and s are NA)
results <- data.frame(j = init$j,
s = init$s, R1_i = -1, R2_i = -1, gamma = NA)
while (length(S_m) > 0) {
# As long as not all parts of the tree has been handled
# we will either split or compute lambda if(length(S_m[[1]]) >= 2*l){
# Do stuff here to grow the tree
# based on observations (indecies) in S_m[[1]]
# Add split point
new_results <- data.frame(j = j,
s = s,
R1_i = -1, R2_i = -1, gamma = NA)
results <- rbind(results,
# Add R1 and R2 to S_m
S_m <- c(S_m, R1, R2)
# Remove the set we just handled S_m[[1]] <- NULL } else {
# Do stuff here to when you cant grow the tree (i.e. compute gamma)
# Add leaf
new_results <- data.frame(j = NA,
s = NA, R1_i = NA, R2_i = NA, gamma = gamma)
results <- rbind(results,
# Remove the set we just handled S_m[[1]] <- NULL
Here is an example how it should work.
tr <- grow_tree(X_check, y_check, l = 5) tr
## j s R1_i R2_i gamma
## 1 1 5 2 3 NA
## 2 1 3 4 5 NA
## 3 2 101 6 7 NA
## 4 NA NA NA NA 106.5
## 5 NA NA NA NA 244.5
## 6 NA NA NA NA 509.3
## 7 NA NA NA NA 946.0
6. (3p) Finally implement a function predict_with_tree(new_data, tree). Here is a starting template for the function.
predict_with_tree <- function(new_data, tree){ checkmate::assert_matrix(new_data) predictions <- numeric(nrow(new_data))
for(i in seq_along(predictions)){ not_in_leaf <- TRUE while(not_in_leaf){
# Check the split and go to next row
# until we end up with a gamma
predictions[i] <- predicted_value
To use the tree to predict new observations Xnew as follows.
X_new <- Hitters[51:52, c(“Years”, “Hits”)] X_new
## Years Hits ## -Daryl Boston 3 53 ## -Darnell Coles 4 142
y_new <- Hitters[51:52, c(“Salary”)] y_new
## [1] 75 105
pred_y <- predict_with_tree(new_data = X_new, tree = tr) pred_y
## [1] 106.5 244.5
7. (1p) The function rmse(x,y) in the uuml R package computes the root mean squared error between x and y.
## function (x, y)
## {
## checkmate::assert_numeric(x, any.missing = FALSE)
## checkmate::assert_numeric(y, any.missing = FALSE, len = length(x))
## sqrt(mean((x – y)^2))
## }
## <bytecode: 0x000001e4cba5f450>
## <environment: namespace:uuml>
rmse(x = c(75, 105, 33), y = c(102, 99, 43))
## [1] 16.98038
What is the root mean squared error (RMSE) on the test set for a tree trained on the whole training data X_train and y_train? Use l=5.
2 Running standard tools for boosting and random forests
The last part of the assignment consists of using Random Forest and XGBoost (Boosted regression trees). The data is taken in slightly di erent ways:
1. Use the randomForest R package to t a random forest regression to the training data using the randomForest function.
library(uuml) data(“Hitters”)
Hitters <- Hitters[complete.cases(Hitters),] dat_test <- Hitters[1:30, c(“Salary”,”Years”, “Hits”)]
dat_train <- Hitters[31:nrow(Hitters), c(“Salary”,”Years”, “Hits”)] Hitters.rf <- randomForest(Salary ~ Years + Hits, data = dat_train)
2. (1p) How many variables are used at each split. Why do you get this number?
3. (1p) Use the trained random forest to predict using the predict function at test set and compute the RMSE of your predictions using the rmse function.
4. (1p) Next, use the xgboost R package to t a boosted regression tree model to the training data using the xgboost function.
X_test <- dat_test[, c(“Years”, “Hits”)] y_test <- dat_test[, c(“Salary”)]
X_train <- dat_train[, c(“Years”, “Hits”)] y_train <- dat_train[, c(“Salary”)] xgb <- xgboost(as.matrix(X_train), as.matrix(y_train), nrounds = 200)
5. (1p) What is the RMSE of the predictions (again using the rmse function) using the boosted regression tree model?
6. (1p) How does that compare to the random forest regression model?
3 *Bagged tree and random forest implementation
This task is only necessary to get one point toward a pass with distinction (VG) grade. Hence, if you do not want to get a pass with distinction (VG) point, you can ignore this part of the assignment.
Now we can use our regression tree to do a Bagged Tree regression model. The main di erence from the previous tree is that we now will draw B bootstrap samples of size N with replacement from our dataset, then train B trees, use them for a combined bagged prediction.
See Section 8.7 in Hastie et al. (2009), and especially Eq. (8.51) for details.
1. (1p) Implement a bagged tree regression model training function called train_bagged_trees(X, y, l, B) using the grow_tree() function that return an R list of B grown trees.
2. (1p) Use predict_with_tree() to create a function predict_with_bagged_trees() that takes a list of grown trees and produce one prediction per observation.
3. (1p) Train your bagged tree regression model on the training data and predict on the test data. Try the values B = {1,10,100,500,1000}. What is the RMSE of your predictions on the test set? Hint! See Figure 15.1 in Hastie et al. (2009).
Using our previous functions we can now build our own random forest regression model using our previous functions grow_tree() and predict_with_tree(). Based on the bagged tree regression model, we only need to add the parameter m.
See Section 15.2 in Hastie et al. (2009), and especially Algorithm 15.1 for details.
1. (1p) Create a new function grow_tree_m() with the additional argument m. The function should grow a tree, but at every split, it should draw a sample of size m of the covariates to make the split.
2. (1p) Implement a random forest regression model using grow_tree_m() and predict_with_tree().
3. (1p) Train your random forest regression model on the training data with m =1, B =100 and predict on the test data. What is the RMSE of your predictions on the test set (using your rmse function)?
Note! Since we only have just two covariates in the test and train data, the di erence is small (if any) compared to the Bagging algorithm. Also, di erences compared to the randomForest package probably comes from di erent way the grow_tree functions are implemented in your code and the randomForest package.
Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman. The elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.


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