Machine Learning
Assignment 5
General information
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The report should be written in English.
If a question is unclear in the assignment. Write down how you interpret the question and formulate your answer.
To pass the assignments, you should answer all questions not marked with *, and get at least 75% correct.
A report that does not contain the general information (see the template), will be automatically rejected.
When working with R, we recommend writing the reports using R markdown and the provided R markdown template. The template includes the formatting instructions and how to include code and gures.
Instead of R markdown, you can use other software to make the pdf report, but you should use the same instructions for formatting. These instructions are also available in the PDF produced from the R markdown template.
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1. install.packages(“remotes”)
2. remotes::install_github(“MansMeg/IntroML”, subdir = “rpackage”)
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1 Transformers and Attention 4
2 Implementing a simple RNN 6
3 *Recurrent Neural Networks with Keras 8
4 *BERT for Swedish with PyTorch 10
1 Transformers and Attention
In this assignment, we will implement a multi-head attention transformer layer. These layers are currently used within all transformer-based models, such as GPT and di erent BERT models. A good read for this assignment is the Illustrated transformer by Jay
Alammar, which you can nd [here](
Start by loading the parameters that we are going to use for the implementation as follows.
library(uuml) data(“transformer_example”)
1. Start out by computing the query, key and value matrices for one attention head by implementing it in a function you call qkv(). The function should work like this.
# Pick out the matrix for the first attention head
Wq <- transformer_example$Wq[,,1]
Wk <- transformer_example$Wk[,,1]
Wv <- transformer_example$Wv[,,1]
# Pick out the first three words and their embeddings X <- transformer_example$embeddings[1:3,] qkv(X, Wq, Wk, Wv)
## $Q
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## the 0.4722259 0.04995783 -0.5350845 ## quick -0.3662435 0.12144160 0.3454785 ## brown -0.1029677 -0.12728414 0.1817097
## $K
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## the 0.094360579 -0.203807092 -0.1851229 ## quick -0.033313240 0.279012100 0.2530560
## brown -0.004457052 0.001013468 0.0133802
## $V
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## the 0.317318525 -0.35023010 0.13284078 ## quick 0.009929565 0.04208206 -0.15412097
## brown -0.316413241 0.27717408 0.02725089
2. Now, based on your query, key and value, compute the attention of that given attention head for the three chosen tokens.
attention(res$Q, res$K, res$V)
## $Z
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## the 0.012395453 -0.0212420459 0.009404870 ## quick -0.003759269 -0.0008360029 -0.005108890 ## brown 0.002412222 -0.0088974612 0.001147999
## $attention
## the quick brown
## the 0.3601932 0.3080896 0.3317172 ## quick 0.3088780 0.3582373 0.3328847
## brown 0.3300375 0.3360583 0.3339042
3. Interpret the attention values. What does the second row mean?
4. Now we have everything in place for implementing it all as a multi-head attention layer. The layer will take in embeddings and then return a 3-dimensional embedding per word. Run your code on all words in the included example.
multi_head_self_attention(X, transformer_example$Wq, transformer_example$Wk, transformer_example$Wv, transformer_example$W0)
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## the -0.014189613 -0.0040299008 -0.006756286 ## quick -0.009963516 -0.0010724342 -0.001996524
## brown -0.006394562 -0.0006626115 -0.002219108
2 Implementing a simple RNN
We will set the dimensionality of the hidden state to 4 and the output dimension to 3. In this task, we will set h0, the initial starting state, to a zero-vector. The input will be the embeddings in the rnn_example data.
library(uuml) data(“rnn_example”)
1. We start out by implementing a simple RNN linear unit that takes the parameters W, U, b, the previous hidden state h_t_minus_one and an input embedding x_t and return the activation input at. It should work as follows.
X <- rnn_example$embeddings[1,,drop=FALSE]
h_t_minus_one <- matrix(0, nrow = hidden_dim, ncol = 1)
a_t <- rnn_unit(h_t_minus_one, X,
W = rnn_example$W, U = rnn_example$U, b = rnn_example$b)
a_t ##
## the
## [1,] 0.5819145 ## [2,] -2.2686535
## [3,] -0.6410312 ## [4,] 1.4891931
2. Now implement the tanh() activation function.
h_t <- activation(a_t)
h_t ##
## the
## [1,] 0.5240555 ## [2,] -0.9788223
## [3,] -0.5656013 ## [4,] 0.9031762
3. As the next step, implement the output function and the softmax function. These functions should work in the following way.
yhat_t <- softmax(output_rnn(h_t, rnn_example$V, rnn_example$c)) yhat_t
## the
## [1,] 0.3063613
## [2,] 0.2930885
## [3,] 0.4005502
4. Now we are ready to implement the full recurrent layer. It should take an input matrix X and the neural network parameters and return the hidden states and the softmax output as follows.
X <- rnn_example$embeddings[1:3,,drop=FALSE] rnn_layer(X,
W = rnn_example$W,
V = rnn_example$V, U = rnn_example$U, rnn_example$b, rnn_example$c)
## $ht
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## the 0.52405551 -0.97882227 -0.5656013 0.9031762 ## quick -0.05951368 0.03988226 0.8241800 -0.6562744 ## brown -0.08984008 0.92822217 -0.1563247 -0.6657626
## $yhat
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## the 0.3063613 0.2930885 0.4005502 ## quick 0.2838013 0.3490452 0.3671536
## brown 0.2878002 0.3666877 0.3455121
5. Now, what is the value of the hidden state h_t for the token dog?
3 *Recurrent Neural Networks with Keras
To get VG on this assignment, you can choose to do this task OR the task using BERT with PyTorch below. You are also free to do both, if you want. As long as you pass one of the VG assignments you will get a VG point. Although, please only write down the time it took to do the VG assignment for one of the tasks if you choose to do more than one.
This task is only necessary to get one point toward a pass with distinction (VG) grade. Hence, if you do not want to get a pass with distinction (VG) point, you can ignore this part of the assignment.
Start by downloading the IMBD dataset and preprocess it as follows.
library(tensorflow) library(keras)
imdb <- dataset_imdb(num_words = 10000)
c(c(input_train, y_train), c(input_test, y_test)) %<-% imdb input_train <- pad_sequences(input_train, maxlen = maxlen) input_test <- pad_sequences(input_test, maxlen = maxlen)
Note! Running Keras can be computationally heavy, and I suggest not to run the code in markdown. Instead, run the code in R and copy the results as output (see the assignment template for an example).
1. Create a simple ordinary neural network for text classi cation in Keras using an embedding layer of dimension 16 and a hidden layer with 32 hidden states (and an output layer with one unit). Use a validation split of 20% observations in the validation set and a batch size of 128. Train your network using rmsprop and use binary cross-entropy as the loss function. Print the model and return your validation accuracy after ten epochs. Most of these settings we will reuse later in the assignments.
2. Explain what the embedding layer is doing.
3. Now setup a simple Recurrent Neural Network with 32 hidden units based on the same embedding layer. Print the model and present your result.
5. Explain the role of the parameters U, W in the recurrent net (see Goodfellow et al., 2017 Section 10.2). How large are these parameters in your model speci ed above, and where are they included in the Keras output?
6. Now, explain the role of the parameters V (see Goodfellow et al., 2017 Section 10.2). How many parameters are included in V , and where are they included in the Keras output?
7. We are now going to implement an LSTM network. Implement a standard LSTM network with 32 hidden units using Keras. Print your model and your validation accuracy.
8. Extend your network in ways you think t. Report at least two other extensions/modi cations of your network and why you chose them. Report the Keras model output and validation accuracy.
9. Reason why we cannot get as good performance as with the MNIST dataset. Is the problem bias, variance, or the Bayes error? Why?
4 *BERT for Swedish with PyTorch
To get VG on this assignment, you can choose to do this task OR the task using Keras and PyTorch above. You are also free to do both if you want. You will get a VG point if you pass one of the VG assignments. Although, please only write down the time it took to do the VG assignment for one of the tasks if you choose to do more than one.
This task is only necessary to get one point toward a pass with distinction (VG) grade. Hence, if you do not want to get a pass with distinction (VG) point, you can ignore this part of the assignment.
Unfortunately, there is yet to be a simple way to run BERT directly from R. Although, using Google Colab, we can run one of the Swedish BERT models trained by the Swedish national library. The tutorial is in English, and without any Swedish understanding, it should be straightforward to follow.
Follow the tutorial on Google Colab here. Then do the following things.
1. Try to improve on the relatively low classi cation accuracy and get above 80% overall accuracy. You are free to elaborate how much you want yourself, but some suggestions are:
(a) Fine-tune a larger part of the BERT model (not just the classi cation head)
(b) Run the model for more epochs
(c) Try out other learning rates (scheduling)
Note! Training these large neural networks might take some time. It can take more than an hour at Google Colab to ne-tune the whole BERT model.
2. Write down the steps you take, the overall accuracy you get along the way, and the nal accuracy of your ne-tuned BERT model, both overall and per party.
3. Reason based on your nal confusion matrix on the di culties for the model. Can the errors be reduced further or not? Why?
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