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2ST122 – Solved
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Machine Learning

Assignment 6

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1 The k-means Algorithm 4
2 Probabilistic PCA 6
3 * The EM-algorithm for soft clustering: Univariate Two-Component
Normal Mixture 8

Introduction to Unsupervised Learning
This computer assignment will look into two to three widespread algorithms for unsupervised learning.
The dataset iris contain data on petal and sepal length and width for three di erent species of iris owers. In addition, we will also use the faithful data on the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone. The data consists of the eruption time (in minutes) and the waiting time (in minutes) until the next eruption. Finally we will also use the mixture_data from Table 8.1 in Hastie et al. (2009).
To access the data, just use:
data(“iris”) data(“faithful”) library(uuml) data(“mixture_data”)
For a more indepth description of the datasets, just run ?iris, ?faithful, or ?mixture_data in R.
1 The k-means Algorithm
We are now going to build a k-means algorithm from scratch.
1. In the iris data we will use the Speices variable as one way to cluster the data. Visualize the iris as a scatterplot based on Petal.length and Petal.width. Show the di erent species using di erent colors. Hint! Use ggplot2 and geom_point.
2. Visualize (for yourself) the faithful data and manually allocate each data point to two di erent clusters of your choosing based on the eruptions and/or waiting variables.
3. Now, visualize the faithful dataset as a scatterplot by eruptions and waiting. Show your manually de ned clusters in the Figure using di erent colors.
4. Now, we are going to implement the di erent parts of the k-means algorithm. This will follow Algorithm 14.1 in Hastie et al. (2009). First, implement Step 1 in this algorithm as a function called compute_cluster_means(X, C) that takes a n × p matrix X and a p×1 vector of cluster assignments called C, where n is the number of rows (observations) and p is the number of variables (columns). The algorithm should output the cluster means of the algorithm as a K × p matrix, where K is the total number of clusters in C.
X <- as.matrix(faithful)
C <- sample(1:3, nrow(X), replace = TRUE) m <- compute_cluster_means(X, C) m
## C eruptions waiting
## [1,] 1 3.416354 70.57576
## [2,] 2 3.571106 71.44706
## [3,] 3 3.487659 70.72727
5. Next, implement the second step in Algorithm 14.1 of Hastie et al. (2009) and call the function compute_cluster_encoding(X, m). The function should take a n×p (design) matrix X and a K ×p matrix m with one cluster mean per row. The function should return a n ×1 vector of cluster assignments.
C <- compute_cluster_encoding(X, m)
## [1] 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2
6. Now, use compute_cluster_means(X, C) and compute_cluster_encoding(X, m) to implement Algorithm 14.1 in Hastie et al. (2009) as k_means(X,K). The k_means(X,K) should take an n×p matrix X and the number of clusters K. The function should return a n ×1 vector of cluster assignments C and a K × p mean matrix m after the algorithm has run until no cluster assignments change. Randomly initialize the cluster assignments as a part of the algorithm.
7. Implement a function called k_means_W(X,C) that computes the k-means withinpoint scatter (WPS) of Eq. 14.31 in Hastie et al. (2009).
X <- as.matrix(faithful)
C <- sample(1:3, nrow(X), replace = TRUE) k_means_W(X, C)
## [1] 4601439
8. Now run your k_means(X,K) a couple of times for both faithful with K = 2 and iris with K = 3 using the two variables used above. Use di erent seeds every time. Compute the WPS for the nal cluster assignments. Below is an example how this could be done.
set.seed(4711) X <- as.matrix(faithful) result1 <- k_means(X, K = 2) wps1 <- k_means_W(X, result1$C) result2 <- k_means(X, K = 2) wps2 <- k_means_W(X, result2$C)
9. Visualize the clustering for the worst and the best clustering according to the WPS.
Note! There might be multiple runs with the same (best) WPS, so you can make your own initizialization of the cluster assignments to force the algorithm to end up in a bad result with respect to WPS.
10. Describe and discuss the results you get.
2 Probabilistic PCA
1. Implement a function pPCA(W, b, sigma2) that simulate data x∈RD from the probabilistic PCA model with h ∼ N(0,IK) where h ∈ RK×1, W ∈ RD×K, b∈RD×1 and σ2 = 1.
2. Simulate 300 observation PCA model with W = (−1,3)T, b = (0.5,2)T, and σ2 = 1. The resulting distribution should look something similar as in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Data from a pPCA model with W = (−1,3)T, b = (0.5,2)T and σ2 = 1
3. Describe the di erent parts of the model. What are the parameters? What are the latent variables?
4. Try some other parameter values for W and b and visualize the result in a similar scatter plot as in Fig. 1.
5. Now run principal component analysis on your simulated data (with W = (−1,3)T, b = (0.5,2)T) using
pr <- prcomp(X, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE)
Multiply the rst stdev with the rst principal component (rotation).
6. What parameters in your pPCA model do these results correspond to. Note! You might have to multiply your result/vector with -1.
7. Finally, simulate values x of dimension ve from a probabilistic PCA model for a given choice of parameters. The latent variables h should be of dimension two, i.e. h∈R2×1 for each simulated observation. You are free to choose the parameter values W, b and σ2 yourself, but the resulting distribution should have at least one negative and one positive correlation between the Xs. Visualize the variables using a pair-wise scatterplot using pairs(X) in R.
3 * The EM-algorithm for soft clustering: Univariate Two-
Component Normal Mixture
This task is only necessary to get one point toward a pass with distinction (VG) grade. Hence, if you do not want to get a pass with distinction (VG) point, you can ignore this part of the assignment.
In the next step, we will implement the EM algorithm conceptually similar to k-means clustering. We are going to implement the EM by testing at the mixture data of Hastie et al. (2009). This dataset has been added to the course R package.
library(uuml) data(“mixture_data”)
theta0 <- list(mu_1 = 4.12, mu_2 = 0.94, sigma_1 = 2, sigma_2 = 2, pi = 0.5)
1. Simulate data from a univariate mixture model by implementing a mixture model as in Eq. 8.36 in Hastie et al. (2009). That is, create a hiearchical simulation that rst sample δ for each observation, and then sample Yi from the relevant component. The function should be called r_uni_two_comp(n, theta) take have the arguments n (the number of observations to simulate) (the number of simulated observations) and theta, an R list with with values mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, and pi.
2. Simulate 200 observations using µ1 = −2, µ2 = 1.5, σ1 = 2, σ2 = 1 and π = 0.3. Visualize observations drawn in a histogram.
3. Implement a function d_uni_two_comp(x, theta) that computes the density value for a given set of parameters theta for values of x. Hint! The function dnorm might be handy.
4. Visualize the density for the mixture model above over the interval -6 to 6 (by steps of 0.01).
5. Visualize the eruptions variable in the faithful dataset using a histogram.
6. Manually choose values for µ1, µ2, σ1, σ2 and π that gives a density you think is a good t for the eruptions variable.
7. Implement a function called e_uni_two_comp(X, theta) that returns a vector of gamma values for each row in X (for component 2). This function should implement the expectation step in Algorithm 8.1 in Hastie et al. (2009). For de nition of ϕ and θ, see Hastie et al. (2009, , Section 8.5.1). Subscript in Algorithm 8.1, e.g. in θ2, indicates the component/cluster.
gamma <- e_uni_two_comp(mixture_data, theta0) head(gamma)
## [1] 0.9106339 0.8716861 0.7797225 0.6645640 0.6484311 0.5178799
Note! Gamma values for component 1 is just 1 – gamma.
8. How can we interpret γ here?
9. Implement a function called max_uni_two_comp(X, gamma) that returns a list with parameters mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2 and pi. This function should implement the maximization step in algorithm 8.1 in Hastie et al. (2009).
theta <- max_uni_two_comp(mixture_data, gamma) theta
## $mu_1
## [1] 3.842941
## $mu_2
## [1] 1.450413
## $sigma_1
## [1] 1.700666
## $sigma_2
## [1] 1.47168
## $pi
## [1] 0.4883709
10. Implement the log-likelihood of the model as ll_uni_two_comp(x, theta). Hint!
See Eq. 8.39 in Hastie et al. (2009).
ll_uni_two_comp(mixture_data, theta0)
## -43.1055
11. Now combine the implemented functions to an EM algorithm em_uni_two_comp(X, theta_0, iter) that takes in a n × p data matrix X and an initialization value for as theta_0. Then the algorithm should be run iter number of iterations. For each iteration print out the log-likelihood value for that current iteration and store the value of θ for each iteration.
theta_and_gamma_em3 <- em_uni_two_comp(mixture_data, theta0, iter = 3)
## Log Lik: -41.53247
## Log Lik: -41.11211
## Log Lik: -40.48348
12. Test your algorithm on the mixture_data for 20 iterations. Do you get the same results for πˆ as in Hastie et al. (2009, p. 275)? Note that you might get slightly di erent results (at the second decimal place). Also, compare your log-likelihoods with Figure 8.6 in Hastie et al. (2009). Do you have a similar result? Hint! There can be a slight di erent order depending on if you compute the log-likelihood value before or after the update of θ.
theta_and_gamma_em20 <- em_uni_two_comp(mixture_data, theta0, iter = 20) ## Log Lik: -41.53247 ## …
13. Run your EM algorithm on the eruptions variable of the faithful data and on the Petal.Length variable of the iris data until you judge it has converged. What are the estimated parameters for the two datasets and how do you assess convergence?
14. Visualize the density for the two datasets in two di erent gures using the parameters estimated with your EM algorithm. Also show histograms for the real data in the same Figures (i.e. so you show the data and the estimated density). Hint! You should be able to use d_uni_two_comp(x, theta).
Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman. The elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.


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