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95-771 – Solved
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95-771 Data Structures and Algorithms Project 1

This project has three objectives. First, the student will be introduced to the linked list data structure using Michael Main’s ObjectNode.java. Second, the student will use the linked list class created in Part 1 to implement Merkle-Hellman Knapsack cryptography. Third, the student will use the same linked list to build a Merkle Tree.

Part 1.Building a LinkedList class 30 points

Create a Java application in IntelliJ with the name ObjectNodeProject. Download Michael Main’s ObjectNode.java class.


The source code (which you need to get running in IntelliJ) is found on our course schedule at this location:

Make the following modifications to ObjectNode.java.

0. We will be using packages. Leave ObjectNode.java in the package within which it is defined (edu.colorado.nodes). Later, you will place your own code in a package named edu.cmu.andrew.<your ID>. For example, my SinglyLinkedList class is found within the package edu.cmu.andrew.mm6.
1. Add a recursive listCopy() called listCopy_rec(). This new method will behave the same way as Main’s listCopy() method but will be recursive.
2. Add a recursive listLength() called listLength_rec(). This new method will behave the same way as Main’s listLength() method but will be recursive.
3. Add a comment to each method in ObjectNode.java. Your comment will describe its runtime in big theta notation.
4. Add pre-conditions comments just prior to ListCopy() and ListCopyWithTail(). What precondition makes sense?
5. Add an instance method String toString() to the ObjectNode class. This method displays the data of each node on the list beginning with head.
6. Modify the listPosition() method so that it is zero based rather than 1 based. That is, the head node is at position 0 and not at position 1. The next node (after head) is at position 1.
7. Provide a main routine (a driver) for this class. The main routine will do the following activities.
a. Create a list containing 26 nodes. Each node will contain the letters of the English language in order and capitalized. The list will hold “A”  “B”  “C”  … ->
“Z” –||
b. Call toString() on the front node of the list to display the list data. The output will be ABCD…Z.
c. Print the size of this list twice. Once with listLength() and again with listLength_rec().
d. Make a copy of the list into a new list, use listCopy(), with the front node of the new list being pointed to by an ObjectNode named k.
e. On k, call its toString() method. The output will be ABCD…Z.
f. Print the size of the list k twice. Once with listLength() and again with listLength_rec.
g. Make a copy of the list into a new list, use listCopy_rec(), with the front node of the new list being pointed to by an ObjectNode named k2.
h. On k2, call its toString() method. The output will be ABCD…Z.
i. Print the size of the list k2 twice. Once with listLength() and again with listLength_rec.
j. Leave this main driver in your submission for part 1. The grader will be able to run the main routine of the ObjectNode class.
k. Your output from this section will look like the following:
Number of nodes = 26
Number of nodes = 26
Number of nodes in k = 26
Number of nodes in k = 26
Number of nodes in k2 = 26
Number of nodes in k2 = 26

8. Write a class named SinglyLinkedList.java that uses a head and tail pointer. The head reference always points to the head of the list and the tail reference always points to the last node on the list. Javadoc for this class is provided here. Also, included is Javadoc for the ObjectNode class. It is found under http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~mm6/
9. Write code in the main method of SinglyLinkedList.java. This code should test each method of the class. In particular, it must include testing of list iteration using reset(), hasNext() and next(). You need to add these three methods to the linked list class. If s is a list, this code will display its contents from the main routine:

s.reset(); while(s.hasNext()) {

Also, see the Javadoc on the schedule for a description of these three methods.

Part 1 Grading:

Working code with two working main routines: 70% Comments describing big theta of each routine and preconditions and postconditions where appropriate 20%
Overall presentation and good style: 10%

Part 2. Use Part 1 to implement a Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem 30 Points

Create a Java application in IntelliJ with the name Merkle-

In this part you will implement key generation, encryption and decryption using the Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem. A very clear and well-written description of this algorithm can be found at the following link. This is a required reading for the course and should be understood prior to writing code:


Note that the example provided on the wiki is an example using small integers with w = {2, 7, 11, 21, 42, 89, 180, 354}. In this project, w will consist of 640 huge integers.

You will use your singly linked list class of objects (from part 1) to hold two lists of Java BigIntegers. One list, w, will be used to hold the superincreasing sequence of integers that make up part of the private key and used for decryption. The second list, b, will be used to hold the public key material used for encryption. Your list class should encapsulate all of the work associated with lists and should not know anything about MerkleHellman.

Using a singly linked list for this problem is appropriate but not ideal. It is very appropriate for a first course in data structures. Hence, use it for this project but you should be aware that there are alternatives.

Use the built in methods of the BigInteger class provided by Java. These methods make it fairly easy to implement some of the tedious but essential parts of Merkle-Hellman.

To do a practice example, you might like to use Wolfram Alpha at http://www.wolframalpha.com. It accepts operations such as (3 * 5) mod 2, gcd(32,5) and PowerMod(15,-1,64) to find the multiplicative inverse of 15 modulo 64.

Example execution:

Enter a string and I will encrypt it as single large integer. Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithms
Clear text:
Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithms
Number of clear text bytes = 41
Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithms is encrypted as
31781707635014578526065699773962137393146911980721711052928064933 29427247281741202240955878424846358843053671591632658963978560563
Result of decryption: Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithms

Part 2 Grading:

You need to submit:

Working code performing key generation, encryption and decryption and using the singly linked lists from Part 1 to hold
BigIntegers: 70%

Comments in your code describing how the Merkle Hellman Knapsack cryptography is being performed: 20%

Overall presentation including several screenshots: 10%

Part 3. Using Part 1 to implement a Merkle tree. 40 Points

Create a Java application in IntelliJ with the name MerkleTreeProject.

In this part, you will use the classes from Part 1 to build a Merkle tree from a text file and compute the Merkle root of the Merkle tree.

You will read a UTF-8 file of text lines – delimited by line breaks. Each line will be stored in a node on a list.

Once each line is stored in a node – forming a list of lines, a second list will be created containing the cryptographic hashes of these nodes. If, after completing a list, it is found that the list has an odd number of nodes, your program will copy the last node and then add it to the end of the list – forcing all lists to be even in size – except, of course, for the Merkle root.

Your program will create a new list for each level in the Merkle tree. In the example below, your program will store these data in four distinct lists. L1, L2, L3, and L4 would be four nodes of the first list. Hash(l1), hash(l2), hash(l3) and hash(l4) will live in nodes on the second list, and so on.
Your program will implement this tree within a list of lists. The first list in the list of lists will contain the list: L1, L2, L3,L4.

A very nice description of Merkle Trees is found here:

Your program will prompt the user for a file name. Your program will then read the file name, read the file, build the Merkle tree as a list of lists and display the Merkle root.

For all hashing, you are required to use the following method: public static String h(String text) throws
NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(“SHA-256”); byte[] hash =
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i <= 31; i++) { byte b = hash[i];
sb.append(String.format(“%02X”, b));
return sb.toString();

For example, suppose we have a single letter ‘A’ in a file. The line in the file has length 1. We are not including newlines at the end of the line.

The SHA 256 hash of ‘A’ is
To force the number of leaves in the initial Merkle tree to be even, we create a new leaf
with ‘A’. So far, our initial list looks like L0 –> ‘A’ –> ‘A’

We construct the first list of hashes from the initial list of values.

Initial list of hashes is L1 –> h(‘A’) —> h(‘A’) —->||

The actual hashes appear as follows:
559AEAD08264D5795D3909718CDD05ABD49572E84FE55590EEF31A88A08FDFFD 559AEAD08264D5795D3909718CDD05ABD49572E84FE55590EEF31A88A08FDFFD
We concatenate these two hashes and hash the concatenation to compute a new hash.


Since we have only a single line in the file, we are done.

The Merkel root is
BE263C0044B95044951327B0D9ABBD7E4E3719CC1AE59B57DF059945616219C1 There are four files provided for your use. Use you program to determine which of these four files has the Merkle root of:


These files are at http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~mm6/

In the comments of your main routine, be sure to say which one of these four files has the Merkle root that we seek.

Part 3. Grading:

You need to submit:
Working code: 70%
Comments in your code describing the tree building process: 20%
Overall presentation including several screenshots: 5%
Good style and a clean submission: 5%

Note: A complete submission of Project 1 will contain three directories submitted to Canvas. The three directories will all be contained within a single zipped file named


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