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RL – Solved
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Experience Replay number_of_steps = 1e3 and num_offline_updates = 30

DynaQ number_of_steps = 1e3 and num_offline_updates = 30

2.1.2 Computational Cost
What if sampling from the environment is cheap and I don’t care about data eAciency but only care about the number of updates to the model?
How do Online Q-learning, ExperienceReplay and Dyna-Q compare if I apply the same number of total updates?
Online Q-learning number_of_steps = 3e4 and num_offline_updates = 0
1 grid = Grid()
2 agent = ExperienceQ(
3 grid._layout.size, 4, grid.get_obs(),
4 random_policy, num_offline_updates=0, step_size=0.1)
5 run_experiment(grid, agent, int(3e4))
6 q = agent.q_values.reshape(grid._layout.shape + (4,))
7 plot_action_values(q)
8 plot_greedy_policy(grid, q)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:58: MatplotlibDeprecat
Future behavior will be consistent with the long-time default:
plot commands add elements without first clearing the
Axes and/or Figure.

ExperienceReplay number_of_steps = 1e3 and num_offline_updates = 30

DynaQ number_of_steps = 1e3 and num_offline_updates = 30

2.3 Linear function approximation
We will now consider the FeatureGrid domain.
And evaluate Q-learning, Experience Replay and DynaQ, in the context of linear function approximation.
All experiments are run for number_of_steps = 1e5
Online Q-learning with Linear Function Approximation
1grid = FeatureGrid()
3agent = FeatureExperienceQ(
4 number_of_features=grid.number_of_features, number_of_actions=4,
5 number_of_states=grid._layout.size, initial_state=grid.get_obs(),
6 num_offline_updates=0, step_size=0.01, behaviour_policy=random_policy)
6 num_offline_updates=0, step_size=0.01, behaviour_policy=random_policy)
7run_experiment(grid, agent, int(1e5))
8q = np.reshape(
9 np.array([agent.q(grid.int_to_features(i)) for i in xrange(grid.number_of_states)]),
10 [grid._layout.shape[0], grid._layout.shape[1], 4])
12plot_greedy_policy(grid, q)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:58: MatplotlibDeprecat
Future behavior will be consistent with the long-time default:
plot commands add elements without first clearing the
Axes and/or Figure.
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:805: MatplotlibDeprec mplDeprecation)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/rcsetup.py:155: MatplotlibDepreca mplDeprecation)

Experience Replay with Linear Function Approximation

DynaQ with Linear Function Approximation

2.4 Non stationary Environments
We now consider a non-stationary setting where after pretrain_steps in the environment, the goal is moved to a new location (from the top-right of the grid to the bottom-left).
The agent is allowed to continue training for a (shorter) amount of time in this new setting, and then we evaluate the value estimates.
1pretrain_steps = 2e4
2new_env_steps = pretrain_steps / 30
Online Q-learning
1# Train on first environment
2grid = Grid()
3agent = ExperienceQ(
4 grid._layout.size, 4, grid.get_obs(),
5 random_policy, num_offline_updates=0, step_size=0.1)
6run_experiment(grid, agent, int(pretrain_steps))
7q = agent.q_values.reshape(grid._layout.shape + (4,))
8# plot_state_value(q)
10# Change goal location
11alt_grid = AltGrid()

Experience Replay

1 # Train on first environment
2 grid = Grid()
3 agent = DynaQ(
4 grid._layout.size, 4, grid.get_obs(),
5 random_policy, num_offline_updates=30, step_size=0.1) 6 run_experiment(grid, agent, int(pretrain_steps))
7 q = agent.q_values.reshape(grid._layout.shape + (4,))
8 # plot_state_value(q)
10 # Change goal location
11 alt_grid = AltGrid()
12 run_experiment(alt_grid, agent, int(new_env_steps))
13 alt_q = agent.q_values.reshape(alt_grid._layout.shape + (4,))
14 plot_state_value(alt_q)

Basic Tabular Learning
[5 pts] Why is the ExperienceReplay agent so much more data eAcient than online Q-learning?
Because ExperienceReply learns with the same data multiple times in o@ine updates. And multiple passes with the same data can make Q-learning converge faster.
[5 pts] If we run the experiments for the same number of updates, rather than the same number of steps in the environment, which among online Q-learning and Experience Replay performs better? Why?
[5 pts] Which among online Q-learning and Dyna-Q is more data eAcient? why?
Dyna-Q is more data eNcient. Because it reuses the data by feeding it into the model and updates q-value in o@ine updates with the updated model.
[5 pts] If we run the experiments for the same number of updates, rather than the same number of steps in the environment, which among online Q-learning and Dyna-Q performs better? Why?
Linear function approximation
[5 pts] The value estimates with function approximation are considerably more blurry than in the tabular setting despite more training steps and interactions with the environment, why is this the case?
For tabular setting, one state-action pair only changes its own q-value and doesn’t inQuence others’ values in one single update. However, when using a linear function to approximate the q-value, one state-action pair will update the whole parameters, which will change the q-values for all other states. In this way, all states have a similar trend and values are more continuous or we can say blurry. We can see even for the unseen states like the walls, their borders are not so obivious, which also shows scuh inQuences by other states.
[5 pts] Inspect the policies derived by training agents with linear function approximation on FeatureGrid (as shown by plot_greedy_policy). How does this compare to the optimal policy? Are there any inconsistencies you can spot? What is the reason of these?
Its policy is worse than the optimal policy. Some adjacent grids point to each other, so the agent moves between these two states, leading to inconsistency of the policy. As said before, all states share a similar trend and it takes more time to differentiate each state. If given enough time, the policy will converge to the optimal one.
Learning in a non stationary environment
Consider now the tabular but non-stationary setting of section 2.4.
After an initial pretraining phase, the goal location is moved to a new location, where the agent is allowed to train for some (shorter) time.
[10 pts] Compare the value estimates of online Q-learning and Experience Replay, after training also on the new goal location, explain what you see.
For the Experience Replay, its value estimates are quite similar to the stationary one(Both higher values on top-right and lower values on bottom-left). It looks like that it doesn’t Xnd out the transfer of the goal. However, for the non-stationary setting of onlien Q-learning, there is an obvious high point on the bottom-left compared to the stationary one, but still low
values generally on bottom-left compared to the top-right. So it begins to Xnd out the change of the goal. The reason for that is after starting trainning on the new goal, all updates of the q-values in online Q-learning come from the interaction with the new enviroment, while o@ine updates in Experience Reply still rely on the previous environment, which is outdated. So it Xnds the change of the goal much slower.
[10 pts] Compare the value estimates of online Q-learning and Dyna-Q, after training also on the new goal location, explain what you see.
Compared with online Q-learning, Dyna-Q have a larger range of high-valued regions on bottom-left. And values on bottom-left exceed the ones on top-right, which implies that it has already found the change of the goal very well. Dyna-Q utilizes new observations to update the model so that o@ine updates of q-values can perceive the change of the goal by using the data generated from the updated model. So Dyna-Q is more suitable to the non-stationary environment.


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