1 Uart Excercise
In this section, you need to write a uart transmit(tx) module, a uart receive(rx) module, and a frame receive module to unpack GPS $GPGGA data, You should write the code and finish the simulation. If you want to stay in SoC group: Always Do ’Must do’ Must do:
a)!You must use a enhanced text editor,such as notepad++,vi,sublime,emacs,etc.Choose the one
you like.But at least,the editor should has the code highlight.
b)!!!You must use clk/clock as the clock signal’s name, use resetn/reset_n/rst_n/rstn as the reset signal’s name,all reset should be active low in our lab.Besides,if a data signal is active low, you should add _n or n or _b or b at the end of the signal, _n is preferred
c)!!!!You should never use ”signal1”,”signal2” as your signal name
d)!!You must choose Modelsim/VCS as your verilog compiler,and use Modelsim/Verdi to watch simulation waveform, or you will not get help from others in our lab. We do only use Modelsim and
Synopsys tools
e)!!!You must write a script to compile the source file and do simulation.
Should do:
b)Try a better font so you can distinguish 0 and O
1.1 Uart TX Module
The port definition is given below, Find out what uart is and write a uart module. 0) clk is 100MHz
1) clk_en signal is generated by a module called clk_divisor,the signal is going to be asserted one clock period according to the baudrate 115200,The actual baudrate used in system could have an at most 3% error.And you should generate the signal in your testbench
2) Datain and shoot signal means when tx_module is not busy and shoot is asserted,then send the datain serial out, shoot must be one clock valid and datain is only valid at that period
3) Dart_busy signal means whether the module is ready to accept a new shoot
4) As parameter, Verify_on and Verify_even set the verify method of the uart module
5) Write the code and testbench, do the simulation, and write a simple write up to explain what you have done
module uart_tx_op
parameter VERIFY_ON = 1 ’b0 , parameter VERIFY_EVEN = 1 ’b0 )
input clk_i ,
input resetn_i ,
input clk_en_i ,
input [ 7 : 0 ] datain_i ,
input shoot_i ,
output reg uart_tx_o = 1 ’b1 ,
output reg uart_busy_o
) ;
1.2 Uart RX Module
The port definition is given below.
1) Becareful every clk that dataout_valid_o asserts means a valid dataout_o.
2) You can use the Uart Tx Module help you to verify this one.
3) Write the code and testbench, do the simulation, and write a simple write up to explain what you have done
module uart_rx
parameter VERIFY_ON = 1 ’b0 ,
parameter VERIFY_EVEN = 1 ’b0
input clk_i , input clk_en_i , input resetn_i , input uart_rx_i ,
output reg dataout_valid_o ,
output reg [ 7 : 0 ] dataout_o
) ;
1.3 rx_package module
1) start of frame (sof) 2) end of frame (eof)
1)Theactualgpsmoduleoutputsignalismixedseveraltypesofpackage,like$GPGGAand$GPZDA etc, we are going to pick up a specific one.
2) When we use custom frame, there will use an fixed length of frame, we are going to pick up the fixed frame with one module as well.
The module is capable of handle a uart receive data stream use sof+eof mode or sof+framecnt mode and pickup(fixed position and length), substitute some words(fixed position and length) and output the valid frame.
The port definition is given below:
1) If use sof+eof mode, set the EOFDETECTION to 1
2) If use sof+framecnt mode, set the FRAMELENGTHFIXED to 1
3) At first the module is coded to connect to 2 fifo, so that the toggle signal can be used to know which fifo is writen to.
4) sub_data_valid is one clock period assert
5) Other parameter is clear enough
6) Write the code and testbench, do the simulation, and write a simple write up to explain what you have done
module rx_package
parameter TOGGLE = 1 ’b1 , / / use pingpong buffer parameter SOFLENGTH = 2 , / / sof length parameter SOFPATTERN = 16 ’hEB90 , / / sof pattern parameter EOFDETECTION = 1 ’b1 , / / eof detect or not parameter EOFLENGTH = 2 , / / eof length parameter EOFPATTERN = 16 ’h90EB , / / eof pattern
parameter FRAMELENGTHFIXED = 1 ’b1 , / / i f 1 , frame i s parameter FRAMECNT = 64 , / / framecnt parameter SUB = 1 ’b1 , / / s u b s t i t u t i o n parameter SUBPOS = 2 ,
parameter SUBLENGTH = 8 , / / s u b s t i t u t i o n length , f i x e d length
input clk ,
input reset ,
input enable ,
input rx_data_valid ,
input [ 7 : 0 ] rx_data ,
input sub_data_valid ,
input [SUBLENGTH*8 −1:0] sub_data ,
output output [PICKLENGTH*4 −1:0] reg pick_data , pick_data_valid ,
output FIFO_clear ,
output reg [TOGGLE:0] frame_datavld = 0 ,
output reg [ 7 : 0 ] frame_data = 0 ,
output reg [10:0] frame_count = 0 ,
output reg [TOGGLE:0] frame_interrupt = 0
) ;
2 code for clk_divider
module clk_divider
#( parameter DIVISOR = 6 ’d0 )
input clk_i , input resetn_i , output reg clk_en_o
) ;
reg [ 5 : 0 ] clk_dividor = 0;
/ / clk divider always @ ( posedge clk_i or negedge r e s e t n _ i ) begin i f ( ! r e s e t n _ i ) begin
/ / Beginning of autoreset for u n i n i t i a l i z e d f l o p s clk_dividor <= 6 ’h0 ; clk_en_o <= 1 ’h0 ;
/ / End of automatics end else begin
i f ( clk_dividor != DIVISOR) begin
clk_dividor <= clk_dividor + 1 ’b1 ; clk_en_o <= 1 ’b0 ;
end else begin
clk_dividor <= 6 ’h0 ; clk_en_o <= 1 ’b1 ;
end endmodule
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