Machine Learning
Assignment 3
General information
Report all results in a single, *.pdf- le. Other formats, such as Word, Rmd, Jupyter Notebook, or similar, will automatically be failed. Although, you are allowed rst to knit your document to Word or HTML and then print the assignment as a PDF from Word or HTML if you nd it di cult to get TeX to work.
The report should be written in English.
If a question is unclear in the assignment. Write down how you interpret the question and formulate your answer.
To pass the assignments, you should answer all questions not marked with *, and get at least 75% correct.
A report that does not contain the general information (see the template), will be automatically rejected.
When working with R, we recommend writing the reports using R markdown and the provided R markdown template. The template includes the formatting instructions and how to include code and gures.
Instead of R markdown, you can use other software to make the pdf report, but you should use the same instructions for formatting. These instructions are also available in the PDF produced from the R markdown template.
The course has its own R package uuml with data and functionality to simplify coding. To install the package just run the following:
1. install.packages(“remotes”)
2. remotes::install_github(“MansMeg/IntroML”, subdir = “rpackage”)
We collect common questions regarding installation and technical problems in a course Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). This can be found here.
You are not allowed to show your assignments (text or code) to anyone. Only discuss the assignments with your fellow students. The student that show their assignment to anyone else could also be considered to cheat. Similarly, on zoom labs, only screen share when you are in a separate zoom room with teaching assistants.
If you have any suggestions or improvements to the course material, please post in the course chat feedback channel, create an issue here, or submit a pull request to the public repository.
1 Feed-Forward Neural Network using Keras and TensorFlow 4
2 * A simple neural network from scratch 6
Keras, Tensor ow, and Google Colab
This assignment can be computationally heavy. If your own an old computer, you might want to run this task in the computer room in the Department or on Google Colab. Google Colab also enable GPU support if you want to try that.
We have setup a Jupyter Notebook with R and Tensor ow at MansMeg/IntroML/additional_material/colab_nb. We suggest not to run the code in markdown. Instead, run the code in R/Colab and copy the results as output (see the assignment template for an example).
As a rst step, you must install tensorflow and keras on your local computer. You can nd detailed information on how to install tensorflow and keras [here]. You can nd details on di erent architecture components in the keras reference found [here].
1 Feed-Forward Neural Network using Keras and TensorFlow
If you have installed keras, you can load the MNIST dataset. This dataset contains data on handwritten digits that we want to classify. To access the data, we use keras as follows.
library(keras) mnist <- dataset_mnist() mnist$train$x <- mnist$train$x/255 mnist$test$x <- mnist$test$x/255
1. (1p) As a rst step, we visualize a couple of digits. Include the rst eight you can nd in the training dataset in the report as an image.
idx <- 3
im <- mnist$train$x[idx,,]
# Transpose the image im <- t(apply(im, 2, rev))
image(1:28, 1:28, im, col=gray((0:255)/255), xlab = “”, ylab = “”,
xaxt=’n’, yaxt=’n’, main=paste(mnist$train$y[idx]))
2. (1p) How large is the training and test set?
3. (2p) Implement a simple feed-forward neural network in R using TensorFlow and Keras. See the introduction [here] or [here]. Implement a neural network with one hidden layer with 16 units and the sigmoid as the activation function for the hidden layer. The output layer should be a softmax. Print your keras model description and include it in your report.
(a) How many parameters do your model have in total?
(b) How many parameters does the input layer have?
(c) How many parameters does the output layer have?
(d) What do you get as classi cation accuracy? Include the validation accuracy and error per epoch gure/plot that is automatically generated. Hint! The classi cation accuracy should be around 0.85.
4. (2p) Now, we will play around with the essential concepts in feed-forward networks. Do the steps below, but feel free to tinker around and test other values. Try to understand the e ect of the di erent choices. Report the validation set accuracy/error and the validation accuracy/error per epoch for each step in a gure/plot together with the keras model description for the nal neural network with all changes. Start from the simple neural network above, then make the following changes.
(a) Increase the number of hidden units to 128.
(b) Change the activation function to reLU.
(c) Change the optimizer to RMSprop.
(d) Add a second layer with 128 hidden units.
(e) Add dropout with 0.2 dropout probability for both of your hidden layers.
(f) Add batch normalization for both of your hidden layers.
5. (2p) If you would use early stopping regularization, how would you do that?
Note! Only describe what you would do conceptually. You don’t need to do it.
6. (2p) Now try to build the best possible network architecture for this data (but still only using a feed-forward network). How good can you get validation set accuracy (or how low is the error)? What is the architecture used for the best model you can get? Include the nal keras code, and the validation set accuracy gure. Feel free to use early stopping!
Hint! The general idea is to nd the optimal capacity of the model. Try to start with a network that over ts the data and then regularize that model to improve the generalization error on the validation set.
7. (2p) Identify two digits that your best network has classi ed incorrectly. Visualize them and include the digit number and what your network classi ed it as. Why do you think the network made the classi cation mistake?
8. (1p) Use your model to compute the accuracy and loss on the MNIST hold-out test set included with the data. If you get a lower accuracy (or higher error) than on the validation set (or higher error), why is this the case?
2 * A simple neural network from scratch
This task is only necessary to get one point toward a pass with distinction (VG) grade. Hence, if you do not want to get a pass with distinction (VG) point, you can ignore this part of the assignment.
We want to implement one of the most straightforward neural networks possible.
W <- matrix(1, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
c <- matrix(c(0, -1), ncol = 2, nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) X <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1), ncol = 2)
w <- matrix(c(1, -2), ncol = 1) b <- 0
mini_net(X, W, c, w, b)
## [,1] ## [1,] 0
## [2,] 1
## [3,] 1
## [4,] 0
mini_net(X, W*0.9, c, w, b)
## [,1] ## [1,] 0.0
## [2,] 0.9
## [3,] 0.9
## [4,] 0.2
2. (1p) Now test changing the value W1,1 to 0. What do you get for the results of the network?
3. (1p) What is the current output function? Is the network output function reasonable? Do you have any other output function that might be better?
4. (1p) Now implement a mean squared error loss function for the network. It should work as follows.
y <- c(0,1,1,0)
mini_net_loss(y, X, W, c, w, b)
## [1] 0
mini_net_loss(y, X, 0.9*W, c, w, b)
## [1] 0.015
5. (1p) Again, change the value W1,1 to 0. What is the value of the loss function?
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