Topics: The traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP), Minimum Spanning Trees (MST), Heaps and Graphs
There are three parts to this assignment.
Part 1. Using an approximation algorithm to solve TSP (60%)
Your task is to implement the following algorithm from “Introduction to Algorithms” by Cormen, Lieserson, Rivest and Stein:
1. Select a vertex r V[G] to be a root vertex
2. Compute a minimum spanning tree T for G from root r using MST-Prim(G,c,r)
3. Let L be the list of vertices visited in a preorder tree walk of T
4. Return the Hamiltonian cycle H that visits the vertices in the order L
If the user enters 1/14/90 and 1/15/90 as input, your program will find an approximate TSP tour that visits the crime locations of those crimes that occurred between 1/14/90 and 1/15/90 inclusive. The root of the minimum spanning tree will always be the first index.
An example execution appears on the next page. The user has entered only two dates (1/14/90 and 1/15/90). The program reads the crime file and selects the nine records for processing. It finds a cycle and displays the cycle and the cycle’s length.
Crime records between 1/14/90 and 1/15/90
1340358.516,418063.7574,32887,1 ALPINE ST,AGGRAVATED ASSAULT,1/14/90,250300,40.45891236,-80.00757768
1351183.029,410482.0054,32888,211 BURROWS ST,AGGRAVATED ASSAULT,1/15/90,51000,40.43886004,-79.968006
1346775.118,410574.5466,32888,1600 FIFTH AV,AGGRAVATED ASSAULT,1/15/90,10300,40.43880904,-79.98384521
1346775.118,410574.5466,32888,1600 FIFTH AV,ROBBERY,1/15/90,10300,40.43880904,-79.98384521
1375199.387,415958.6475,32888,8100 FRANKSTOWN AV,AGGRAVATED ASSAULT,1/15/90,130600,40.45551239,79.88222498
1342709.971,416295.7223,32888,609 E OHIO ST,ROBBERY,1/15/90,230400,40.45422538,-79.99896828
1341087.095,417642.7939,32888,1400 SANDUSKY ST,AGGRAVATED ASSAULT,1/15/90,220600,40.45780829,-80.00492164
1370004.246,420807.4845,32888,6628 BRAINARD ST,AGGRAVATED ASSAULT,1/15/90,120300,40.46847265,-79.90131253 1355089.881,420937.5121,32888,422 FORTY-FOURTH ST,ROBBERY,1/15/90,90200,40.46781983,-79.95491236
Hamiltonian Cycle (not necessarily optimum):
0 6 5 2 1 8 7 4 3 0
Length Of cycle: 16.354300334021968 miles
Part 2. Finding an optimal solution to TSP (30%)
One way to find an optimal tour is to simply list every possible tour and compute the length of each. Then, simply select the tour of minimum length. In Part 2, your task is to find an optimal tour using this brute force approach. Note that there are |V| ! permutations of the |V| vertices. Each of these is a different Hamiltonian cycle. But half of these are the same cycle travelled in a different direction. In this homework, we are unconcerned with the direction of travel. So, any minimal length cycle will do just fine.
The output of Part 2 will look like this:
Crime records between 1/1/90 and 1/1/90
1348656.471,399538.5342,32874,100 BONIFAY ST,ROBBERY,1/1/90,160600,40.40865518,-79.9760891
1359951.481,410726.1273,32874,320 SCHENLEY RD,ROBBERY,1/1/90,140100,40.44013011,-79.93653583
1357049.25,418429.9175,32874,4779 LIBERTY AV,ROBBERY,1/1/90,80900,40.46107271,-79.94764804
1361745.729,419343.2848,32874,5600 PENN AV,AGGRAVATED ASSAULT,1/1/90,111500,40.46389868,-79.93085611
Hamiltonian Cycle (not necessarily optimum):
0 1 2 3 0
Length Of cycle: 9.972129467002565 miles
Looking at every permutation to find the optimal solution
The best permutation
0 2 3 1 0
Optimal Cycle length = 9.499048743818797 miles
Part 3. Displaying the output to Google Earth (10%)
Here is the KML file (PGHCrimes.kml) that was generated by my solution to produce the image above:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ ?>
<kml xmlns=”″>
<name>Pittsburgh TSP</name><description>TSP on Crime</description><Style id=”style6″>
<Style id=”style5″>
<name>TSP Path</name>
<description>TSP Path</description>
<name>Optimal Path</name>
<description>Optimal Path</description>
FAQ for Assignment 4
1. Must I document my code? Yes, for full credit, documentation is required.
2. Must it be object oriented? Yes, for full credit, it must be object oriented.
6. How do I perform a preorder traversal of the tree? Prim only provides parent pointers? Hint: an array of linked lists might be helpful. And be sure to review the slides on representing graphs.
7. Do I need to generate the exact same KML file that your program generated? No. Feel free to be creative. But, your Google Earth screen shots should clearly show the two tours.
8. What do I need to submit? You must submit all three parts in three separate projects. You must also submit three screen shots, one for each part. The last screen shot will be a screen scrape of Google Earth. Place the three projects and the three screenshots into a single directory and zip it with the name <your id>
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